Thursday, August 30, 2012

Date night

My kids have the day off from school tomorrow so our weekend started this evening when we went on a date.  

First we went out to dinner and then we went and picked out my new phone.  My old one was a little bit wacko.  It started to fade a few months ago and then during the 3 weeks I spent in Utah with an over-tired Duke who would only be consoled by my phone and/or keys it went down hill fast.  I've been counting the days ever since until I became eligible for an upgrade.  

This was a definite out of the ordinary for us.  Our date nights usually start with a quick peek in Sephora or Ulta (looking at makeup without kids!) but only a quick peek because I'm not the only one on the date you know.  Then dinner, book store and Target.  We are party people I tell ya.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Dinner, bookstore, Target. Sounds like my kind of date.