Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Bitrhday, yesterday, to my Mama

In my family, we sing 4 verses of Happy Birthday.
We start out with the traditional "Happy Birthday to you." Then we move on to "How old are you" (sung to the same tune) followed by "You're (however many) years old," and we finish up with "We all love you."
Throughout the whole people are piking out lines of harmony and singing them just for the thrill of it. Because we can.
You know that feeling when you're singing (or playing) in a group, the music surges around you and your own voice rings one with the rest? How full and happy a feeling that is!
That's what birthday cake was like when I was a kid.
It's been a long time though, since I sang it that way.
When Zizza crawled into bed with us the morning of her Birthday we sang her all four verses. With just the Mr, Enzo and me singing though, we stuck with the melody.
I'm waiting for the day when my own little family chorus grows big enough and full enough to feel like home.
Of all the things we're out side of living so far from family, it's the music I miss the most. Even when it's just "Happy Birthday"

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